Wednesday, March 20, 2013


 Custom Farr 58


Boat is currently in Southport,NC. We can deliver it and get you checked out with this proven Blue Water yacht....
Check out the listing at Paradise Yacht Sales

call Capt. ed
Paradise Yacht Sales
757 256 9096

Thursday, March 14, 2013

View Of our Boating Market



Some thoughts to ponder……first, 
our boating population is aging. 

The number of boaters in their 50s and 60s far 
exceeds those in their 30s and younger. 

The sailing niche has an even more pronounced 
graying factor. 

What’s more, boating’s core demographic, the formerly 
dominant Caucasian, has become the fastest-shrinking 
slice of the American pie.

The fleet of boats is aging and the number of vessels in use is 
declining, as reflected in boat registration lists. The 
average age of a boat in use today is 21 years
compared with 16 just 15 years ago.

Another challenge:   The average price of a new boat in most 
segments has doubled in the past 10 to 15 years. 

19 percent of U.S. households own a boat but 
10 percent of households have left boating in recent years

In spite of this loss, boating participation has somehow 
managed to grow in five of the past six years, reaching 
35 percent of adult Americans (82 million), thus inching 
close to the 36 percent participation levels of the 1990s.

Contact Captain Ed to see this Beautiful Custom Built
58' Farr in Bristol condition!!!


This 1985 58’ custom Farr now offered for $225,000.00. 

 Many upgrades to numerous to mention.  Near bristol condition. Southport NC!!!

Wednesday, March 6, 2013


Well, always something exciting going on when living aboard a boat!! 

Yesterday, I was down below in the galley and heard and felt a loud boom.  I went topside to look around and all good onboard.  Then I heard a chopper hovering overhead . . and also saw an EMT ambulance heading for the marina . . .  so, curiosity got the best of us. 

There was a group of folks looking out at smoke coming from a 65' Viking used sport fisherman on the east side of the ICW. And upon closer viewing we could see that the side of the boat was blown open and a crack in the hull !!! The salon windows were also blown out.

Later that afternoon, talked to the Towboat US skipper that just came from the site.  He told me that they were cleaning the engine room and using some spray propellants and speculate that is what caused the explosion . . . This morning, a news article stated that the owner was doing the work and was taken to the hospital . . .  condition unknown at this time - We are praying for a speedy recovery

Yes . . . .  there is a lesson to be learned here -- SAFETY FIRST!  Once the exact cause is known, I will pass it on . . . There are too many Monday morning quarterbacks, and while watching this accident from the dock, I heard all sorts of theories . . . such as propane exploding to battery explosions etc 

I believe they will be conducting a salvage operation today to move the boat . . . It is speculated to be a total loss.  The USCG actually closed the ICW for a short time yesterday

So, BE SAFE, and Follow Safety Precautions on the PRODUCTS you use for painting, cleaning, and maintenance . . especially in confined spaces. 

By the way, the EMT ambulance was called because during this time apparently a fisherman got too close to a sailfish and had a slight injury!  

In closing . . . always use good judgment and common sense and do not let these accidents deter you from Chasing Your Dreams - they really are few and far between . . . And usually attributed to  the Human Factor . . .

Good Cruising ~~ Oh by the way . . . it is only 74 degrees here today and our friends on the Chesapeake are fighting another blizzard!!  Come On Down!!!

Capt Ed